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Biological Services Department
Biological Services staff attend and host community outreach and education as opportunities arise. In the past, staff have attended Engineers Day at the Soo Locks where, in addition to talking with hundreds of local citizens and visitors, the staff handed out informational brochures concerning invasive species and brought in native aquatic macroinvertebrates. These critters are a huge hit, especially with kids, and allow many to see an important part of nature which is often overlooked. Staff have also presented programs to the Boys and Girls Club, school groups, and college classes. Biological Services also develops signs and brochures to increase environmental awareness in the community. Visit the Publications page to view some of these publications. For more information about outreach and education events, or to invite the staff to present, contact Biological Services.

Open Monday- Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
12140 W. Lakeshore Drive
Brimley, Michigan 49715
Links of Interest
Tribal Directory (coming soon)
Enbridge Information Portal


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