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Bay Mills Biological Services

Brownfields Program


What is a brownfield?

A brownfield is defined by the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) as a property where the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant.   An open dump of trash in the woods may or may not be a brownfield depending on size and contamination level.


Redeveloping brownfield sites into a residence, business or a greenspace improves public health and the environment by -

• Promoting reuse of already developed areas which can lead to less development in other areas.
• Removing or containing dangerous contaminants such as heavy metals, chemicals and petroleum products.
• Helping protect surface water, groundwater and drinking water.
• Reducing potential exposure to health risks for community members.


BMIC’s Brownfield Program

In 2020, Bay Mills Indian Community created a Brownfields program when it was awarded the Section 128(a) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) grant. Brownfields Program Goals:

  • Conduct a timely survey and inventory of brownfield sites.

  • Provide community members with a way to report potentially contaminated sites.

  • Establish and maintain a public record that includes sites where response actions have been planned or completed.

  • Provide opportunities for the public to comment on cleanup plans and site activity.

  • Develop mechanisms for approval of a cleanup plan and verification that cleanup is complete.

  • Develop oversight and enforcement authorities


Public Information

Chippewa Landing Brownfield Clean Up Project: Information Repository



How you can help:

Reporting sites that have pollution potential to brownfields program staff is the best way to help.

Do you know of a site where trash or other sources of pollution have been dumped?



























Do you have historical knowledge of a place where oil or hazardous substances or materials were dumped or could have soaked into the ground from prior uses (such as an underground storage tank)?


Do you know of any abandoned buildings on Tribal lands?



















Do you suspect an area where the soil or water could be contaminated?




















To view a list of currently identified sites of concern, please see the Public Record and Environmental Response Program Inventory. This information is provided as a requirement of the EPA Brownfields Program. If you have any concerns, please contact the Environmental Coordinator at (906) 248-8655 or


More information on the EPA brownfield program can be found here:

To report any other kind of illegal dumping contact Bay Mills Conservation Department.




Report a Site

Your Privacy is important to us. We will not share your phone number with any other organization or individual.

Open Monday- Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
12140 W. Lakeshore Drive
Brimley, Michigan 49715
Links of Interest
Tribal Directory (coming soon)
Enbridge Information Portal


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